Are you a C suite leader or Controller of a company that is 200 Employees or less and who does not employ a full time Risk Manager/Insurance buyer?
Do you try to run an RFP every 3 years for Employee Benefits and Property and Casualty Programs because that is what your Strategic Plan calls for? Yet, you may not feel entirely comfortable with the questions you are asking of Brokers? Or that they are asking you? Has your Renewal Process become automated wherein you supply new values and then you get new rates, never an in depth review of how your business has changed and your exposures have increased or lessened?
Do you feel you pay too much? Do you understand the fees versus commission structure of your Program? Do you feel your Agent or Broker has involved you in new education around Cyber, Employers Professional Liability and Wage/Hour cover? Do you want to create a JV and are not sure where to start with the additional coverages? Do you know how your Foreign Coverage and your Benefits coverage work together?
Do you enjoy a 20+ year relationship with your Agent or Broker and feel as if your company has outgrown their expertise yet you are hesitant to employ a large Broker because of a comfort level but cannot define why you need to graduate to a Broker?